Bet Yeraḥ, The Early Bronze Age Mound. Volume II: Urban Structure and Material Culture, 1933-1986 Excavations

Bet Yeraḥ, The Early Bronze Age Mound. Volume II: Urban Structure and Material Culture, 1933-1986 Excavations


Vol. II complements the stratigraphic and contextual presentation of Vol. I with synthetic overviews of site formation, the evolution of urban architecture, and Early Bronze Age ceramic industries, technology (including petrography) and typology. These studies are based on research conducted on the site and its materials since 2007. Further chapters are devoted to the lithic industries and the rich and diverse collection of stone artifacts and small finds. Highlights of this volume include the presentation of several household inventories, a corpus of more than 350 complete ceramic forms, and fine examples of Early Bronze Age art – figurines and zoomorphs, seal impressions and painted plaques.

View Bet Yeraḥ Vol. III. Hellenistic Philoteria and Islamic al-Sinnabra. The 1933-1986 and 2007-2013 Excavations

Last updated on 11/17/2017