If my project is granted, what are my post-award responsibilities?


The Renewal Report, or Status Report, is for current grantees to update their progress toward publication.

An Annual Report is then required each year following the completion of the funding period until the final

publication of your project. If you have questions or concerns, please email the program.

For grantees who are applying for renewed funding, your Renewal Report is due by the end of August,

2021. You must also send a Renewal Request with a specific budget, noting any significant variances from

the original budget proposal, to formally request continued funding. You may send the Renewal Report

and the Renewal Request as separate files or they may be in the same .pdf, with the Renewal Request as

the final item and on its own page.

Please title the file with the report: "YOURLASTNAME_Renewal Report_2021.pdf"

If you choose to send the renewal request as a separate file,

please title the file: "YOURLASTNAME_Renewal Request_2021.pdf"

1. Report

Your Status Report should include details of the status of your project, all progress that has been made

towards the completion of the project, and accounting of your funds used. It may also include samples of

work to date (sample chapter, data sheet, drawings, etc.), sent as separate files if they are extensive.

The report will need to include a brief summary of the amount spent/amount remaining. However, you do

not need to include line-item accounting on the use of funds; you only need to detail any major variances

in the use of funds, along with your plans to adapt to such adjustments (revised travel or staffing plans,

new funding sources, delayed work from contributors, etc.).

2. Images, Maps, Graphs/Charts

It is optional for you to submit images (with captions attached) as a part of your report, although you are

certainly encouraged to do so. If extensive, please include them as separate files from the report.

For grantees who are no longer receiving funding, an Annual Report (with includes the above items) is

due every April 1st until publication. Please send us any updates in publication status or address/phone/

email changes as soon as they occur. To complete your Annual Report, please send a .pdf containing your

report (addenda separately if extensive) to whitelev@fas.harvard.edu titled "YOURLASTNAME_Annual



Two copies of the final manuscript, printed with the acknowledgement specified in your contract with the

program, are due to the program upon publication. Please send one copy to the White Levy Program office

at Harvard and one copy to the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, where we have established a

collection of volumes sponsored by the program.

David M. Ratzan

Institute for the Study of the Ancient World

15 East 84th Street

New York, NY 10028 USA

The Shelby White and Leon Levy Program for Archaeological Publications

The Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East6 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA

Attach Files: