Juliette Mas

Juliette Mas

University of Liege
Proche-Orient – Caucase (CNRS - EPHE - Collège de France)
2017 Grant Recipient

Third Millennium Pottery from Tell Ashara-Terqa (TQ18 to TQ29 excavation campaigns)

Juliette Mas is an archaeologist specialized in pre-classic Upper Mesopotamia. After her PhD was obtained from the University of Lyon (France) with a dissertation dealing with domestic architecture and society in Upper Mesopotamia during Bronze Age, she was awarded a post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Liege (Belgium). She is currently a scientific collaborator of the Assyriology and Near Eastern Archaeology Department at the University of Liege and an associate researcher of the French research team Proche-Orient – Caucase : Langues, Archéologie, Cultures (CNRS - EPHE - Collège de France). Since 2001, Juliette Mas has been involved in several international archaeological missions working in Syria and in Iraq and she was entrusted with the study and publication of original Bronze Age pottery collections from the sites of Terqa, Tell Beydar, Chagar Bazar (Syria) and Bash Tapa (Iraq).

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