Roald Docter

Roald Docter

Ghent University
2014 Grant Recipient

Bir Massouda Excavations : Carthage - Dermech

Roald Docter is full professor at Ghent University, having been appointed to the chair of ‘Archaeology and History of Art of Classical Greek Antiquity’ at the Department of Archaeology in 2001. He studied History of Art and Archaeology in Amsterdam at the Universiteit van Amsterdam and obtained a doctorate in Archaeology at that University with Prof. Herman Brijder and Prof. Hans Georg Niemeyer (1997). He has worked as assistant at Amsterdam and Hamburg, and obtained scholarships for Madrid and Málaga from the Spanish State and the German DAI and for Hamburg from the DAAD. Thereafter he held two Postdoc positions in Amsterdam, one of which of the Royal Academy of Sciences (KNAW). He has extensive fieldwork experience in Tunisia (Carthage), Albania (Butrint), Italy (Satricum), Bulgaria (Apollonia Pontica), Malta, the Netherlands (Weert, Flevo Polder, Beverwijk), and Greece (Thorikos; Laconia Survey), (co-)directing the projects in Carthage, Malta, Apollonia Pontica and Thorikos. His research interest include Greek, Etruscan and Phoenician transport amphorae, metrology, Phoenician and Punic pottery, Greek Geometric pottery, Phoenician and Greek colonisation, rural archaeology, landscape archaeology, survey techniques and metallurgy. He is widely published with several books as (co-)author and (co-)editor, and many articles in scientific journals and books. He is editor of the peer-reviewed journal Carthage Studies and of the Thorikos Reports and Studies series (Peeters Publishers, Leuven).

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