Robert Koehl

Robert Koehl

Hunter College, Emeritus Professor of Archaeology
Hunter College, former Chair of the Department of Classical and Oriental Studies
2003 Grant Recipient
Koehl pic

Koukounaries Hill, Paros, Cyclades, Greece

PUBLISHED 2021. Please visit the publication's webpage.

Robert B. Koehl is Professor Emeritus of Archaeology in the Department of Classical and Oriental Studies, Hunter College, City University of New York, where he served as Chair from 2013-2020. He received his BA in Classics from Pomona College in1974 and his PhD in Classical Archaeology from the University of Pennsylvania in 1982. A specialist in Minoan and Mycenaean culture, and director of the New York Aegean Bronze Age Colloquium from 1999-2018, Koehl has participated on excavations in Israel at Tell Gezer, and in Greece, at the Koukounaries Hill on Paros, the Mycenaean citadel at Gla, and on Crete at Kommos and Pseira. Since 2000, he has been the specialist in Aegean culture on the excavations at Tell Atchana (ancient Alalakh), Turkey. The author of Sarepta III. The Imported Bronze and Iron Age Wares from Area II, X (1985) and Aegean Bronze Age Rhyta (2006), and the editor of Amilla: The Quest for Excellence (2013), and Studies in Aegean Art and Culture (2016), Koehl has also written extensively on Minoan “rites of passage,” Aegean and Near Eastern zoomorphic vessels, and Mycenaean interconnections with the Levant.

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