2021 Sponsored Projects

Biographies of Person and Place: The Tomb Complex of Weni the Elder at Abydos, Vols. I and II

This grant is for the preparation of a multi-authored, two-volume publication of the University of Michigan’s excavation of the late third millennium BCE mastaba tomb complex of Weni the Elder in the Middle Cemetery at Abydos, Egypt. A synopsis in Arabic will be included at the beginning of each of the two volumes.


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Khirokitia, an Aceramic Neolithic site in Cyprus (7th-6th millennium BC)

Khirokitia settlement is located within about 6 km of the actual southern coastline of the island. It has been inscribed since 1998 on UNESCO's World Heritage List. The site was discovered and investigated between 1936 and 1946 by P. Dikaios (Department of Antiquities, Cyprus) and from 1976 to 2009 by the French Archaeological Mission (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - Ministry of Foreign Affairs), ...

Read more about Khirokitia, an Aceramic Neolithic site in Cyprus (7th-6th millennium BC)

Hama, City in the Upper Orontes Valley: Chronology and Material Culture

The mound of Hama is located in the Middle Orontes Valley. The Danish excavation at Hama, carried out from 1931 to 1938, was one of the earliest archaeological projects undertaken in Inland Western Syria. Since then, the material from Hama has played an important role in discussions of the history and archaeology of this part of the ancient Near...

Read more about Hama, City in the Upper Orontes Valley: Chronology and Material Culture

Between Gash and Atbara. The Archaeology of Eastern Sudan

 Archaeological investigations of the region between Gash and the Atbara rivers were conducted in the Eighties by the Italian Archaeological Mission to the Sudan (Kassala) of the Istituto Universitario Orientale and the Butana Archaeological Project of University of Khartoum and Southern Methodist University (Dallas). This apparently marginal region was very rich in terms of...

Read more about Between Gash and Atbara. The Archaeology of Eastern Sudan

The Rescue Excavations of the Necropolis (Gabbari Bridge excavations), Alexandria, Excavated by the Centre d’Études Alexandrines from 1997 to 2000

The last stage of the construction of an elevated highway connecting the main road to Cairo with the western harbour of Alexandria in 1996 in Gabbari district led to the discovery of a series of collective underground tombs. The extent and interest of this ensemble put a provisory stop to the building work, and the CEAlex was invited by the Egyptian Antiquities Service to undertake a rescue excavation of the site. Twenty years after, two monographs and a large number of articles have been published on this site of primordial importance for our knowledge on the funerary...
Read more about The Rescue Excavations of the Necropolis (Gabbari Bridge excavations), Alexandria, Excavated by the Centre d’Études Alexandrines from 1997 to 2000

The Neopalatial Sequence of the Palace at Malia (1700-1430 BCE, Crete). A Contextual, Architectural and Ceramic Approach

The purpose of the grant will be to study and publish the Neopalatial stratigraphic, ceramic and architectural sequence of the Palace at Malia (ca. 1700-1430 BCE), located on the north coast of Crete, Greece, and excavated in 1915 and 1919 by the Service of Cretan Antiquities, and between 1922 and 1992 by the French...

Read more about The Neopalatial Sequence of the Palace at Malia (1700-1430 BCE, Crete). A Contextual, Architectural and Ceramic Approach

Life and Economy in the Insula of the 'House of the Comedians' on Delos Island in Hellenistic Times: A Reassessment 50 Years after Excavation

This grant will support further study and an updated publication of The House of the Comedians Insula and its northern area in Delos (Greece), excavated by Ph. Bruneau and his team from 1961 to 1965.


Read more about Life and Economy in the Insula of the 'House of the Comedians' on Delos Island in Hellenistic Times: A Reassessment 50 Years after Excavation

Final Report on the Rescue Excavations at Tell Waresh 2, Third River Project (Iraq)


Tell Waresh 2 is one of the most important archaeological sites excavated during the series of rescue
excavations connected to the Main Drain Canal project, also known as the “General Estuary” or
“Third River”. The first phase of the Third River project was started in the last decades of the 20th
century and included works in the region between Ishaqi, north of Baghdad, to the Musayyib area,
north of Babil province. Years later, another phase was completed, from Nasiriyah to northern Basra.
Read more about Final Report on the Rescue Excavations at Tell Waresh 2, Third River Project (Iraq)

Excavations at Bodhgaya, the Site of the Buddha’s Enlightenment: The Mahabodhi temple, Taradih Monastery and Bakraur Stupa

Bodhgaya in eastern India is the site of the Mahabodhi temple and it has long been recognised as the place where the Buddha sat in meditation under the Bodhi tree and attained enlightenment. Bodhgaya is located 110 km south of Patna, the state capital of Bihar, in the middle section of the Gangetic Plain on the western bank of River Phalgu.

Alexander Cunningham, a British Army engineer and Director General of the...

Read more about Excavations at Bodhgaya, the Site of the Buddha’s Enlightenment: The Mahabodhi temple, Taradih Monastery and Bakraur Stupa