Marie-Françoise Boussac

Marie-Françoise Boussac

Paris Nanterre University (Emeritus)
2020 Grant co-recipient with Bérangère Redon
M. Boussac

Taposiris Magna (Egypt): the Harbor on the Mareotis Lake

Marie-Françoise Boussac is an historian, former member of the French School at Athens and emeritus professor in Greek history at Nanterre University. As a specialist of Hellenized East and Greco-Roman Egypt, she has been working on archives and seals of the Hellenistic world, on exchanges between the Mediterranean and Indian Ocean and was PI for a collaborative program on baths. She was part of the French expedition at Mahasthan (Bangladesh) and director of the French expedition to Taposiris and Plinthine, which she launched, from 1998 to 2017. She is also the editor of the journal Topoi since 1991 (see ).

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