
Final Report on Ambelikou-Aletri,Cyprus

Anne E. Dunn-Vaturi, 2004

In 1942, the Department of Antiquities, carried out a number of trial excavations in the locality of Aletri west of the Ambelikou mine shafts, in the northern foothills of the Trodoos Massif. The most important evidence revealed by this early Middle Cypriote settlement is in connection with ancient copper mining in Cyprus. The excavations have brought to light a crucible with copper deposit, terracotta and stone moulds for copper objects, and most important of all, a copper workshop where slag was collected. In 1945, P. Dikaios,...

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Maroni Tsaroukkas: Elements of a Late Bronze Age Polity in Southern Cyprus

Sturt W. Manning, 2003

Maroni Tsaroukkas (and associated toponyms Aspres, Kapsaloudhia and Vournes) is one of the set of large Late Cypriot coastal sites-polities that emerge on Cyprus in the Late Cypriot I-IIC periods, c.1650-1200BC. It is a c.35ha total site. Various elite tombs and the small areas comprising the elite centres at a number of these Late Cypriot centres have been studied and are reasonably well known – including the Maroni elite centre at Vournes (not part of this project – excavations 1981-1988 by Gerald Cadogan). But little is know about the...

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The Polychrome Floor Mosaics, Opus Sectile Floors and Architecture of the Eustolios Complex at Kourion, Cyprus

David W. Rupp, 2004

Near the southeastern end of the akropolis of the Early Hellenistic through Early Byzantine city of Kourion, on the south coast of Cyprus, a monumental peristyle courtyard complex with associated bath suite was built in the late 360s A.D., during the reign of the Emperor Valens. This building was erected over the ruins of an earlier late Hellenistic period palatial private residence after the great earthquake of A.D. 365 that struck the entire eastern Mediterranean. Severe earthquakes in the late 4th century A.D. caused extensive damage to...

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American Expedition to Idalion III

The city of Idalion, Cyprus, was one of the most important cities in the ancient eastern Mediterranean. This center of commerce was founded at the end of the Late Bronze Age, in the 13th century BC, and continued to thrive for more than a thousand years. It is critical that the results of the Expedition's fieldwork be published now; current archaeological research in Idalion and the broader region is flourishing and leading to a better understanding of regional cultural development. The goals of this project are (1) to bring together the Expedition's records and notes, and (2) to conduct...

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Maroni Tsaroukkas

Maroni Tsaroukkas (and associated toponyms Aspres, Kapsaloudhia and Vournes) is one of the set of large Late Cypriot coastal sites-polities that emerge on Cyprus in the Late Cypriot I-IIC periods, c.1650-1200BC. It is a c.35ha total site. Various elite tombs and the small areas comprising the elite centres at a number of these Late Cypriot centres have been studied and are reasonably well known – including the Maroni elite centre at Vournes (not part of this project – excavations 1981-1988 by Gerald Cadogan). But little is know about the constitution of the majority of these settlements and... Read more about Maroni Tsaroukkas

Khirokitia, an Aceramic Neolithic site in Cyprus (7th-6th millennium BC)

Khirokitia settlement is located within about 6 km of the actual southern coastline of the island. It has been inscribed since 1998 on UNESCO's World Heritage List. The site was discovered and investigated between 1936 and 1946 by P. Dikaios (Department of Antiquities, Cyprus) and from 1976 to 2009 by the French Archaeological Mission (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - Ministry of Foreign Affairs), ...

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