Ceramic Finds: Typological and Technological Studies of the Pottery Remains from Tell Hesban and Vicinity

PUBLISHED 2012. Please visit the publication's webpage.

The publication of the Hisban pottery for the 1968 to 1976 seasons was directed by Gloria London and Larry Herr. The site included 21 strata from the Iron I period to Modern times, with heavy concentrations of pottery during the Iron II periods, but especially the Classical and Islamic periods. It was one of the first sites in Jordan to treat these “late” periods with serious consideration and has become the type site for these periods in Jordan. Following the 1976 season Sauer had worked towards a major publication on the pottery, but was held back by the onset of his diminishing health in the 1990s and early 2000s. Before his unfortunate and premature death he sent the pottery he had selected to Herr, who had worked closely with him at Hisban during the 1970s. Herr wrote the chapter on the Iron Age pottery with Yvonne Gerber doing the Classical periods and Bethany Walker the Islamic periods. Added to these typological studies was a major work on the technologies of all periods by Gloria London, the White-Levy grantee for this publication project. The final publication of the Hisban pottery volume (Sauer and Herr, eds. 2012: Hesban 11: The Pottery, Andrews University Press) appeared in 2012 and was over 800 large-format pages long. It has become a monument to the study of ceramic archaeology in Jordan.

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Aerial view of Tall Hisban from GoogleEarth, showing the position of the site in the midst of a village and agricultural fields.