Desert Chiefdom: Dimensions of Subterranean Settlement and Society in Israel's Negev Desert (c. 4500 – 3600 BCE) Based on New Data from Shiqmim

PUBLISHED 2023. Please visit the publication's webpage.

This proposal seeks support to prepare a book-length publication concerning the Phase II excavations at Shiqmim, the largest and most deeply stratified Chalcolithic (ca. 4500 - 3500 BCE) site in Israel's Negev desert. The major field work for this project took place in 1987 -1989 and was sponsored by the Nelson Glueck School of Biblical Archaeology (NGSBA) of the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in Jerusalem. In many respects, Shiqmim has become a bench-mark for social evolutionary studies in the southern Levant.

The publication project is directed by Thomas E. Levy, with Yorke M. Rowan and Margie M. Burton