The Smithsonian Institution Excavation at Tell Jemmeh, Israel, 1970 - 1990

PUBLISHED 2014. Please visit the publication's webpage

This project is part of an effort towards the final publication of excavations at Tell Jemmeh. Tell Jemmeh (Tel Re'im) is in the northwestern Negev desert about 10 km south of Gaza (map reference 097.088), on the southern bank of Nahal Besor (Wadi Ghazzeh). The major fieldwork for this project, directed by G. Van Beek (with Yorke Rowan) and sponsored by the Smithsonian Institution, took place from 1970-78, with smaller problem-solving exposures during 1982, 1984, 1987 and 1990. In many respects, Tell Jemmeh has become a bench-mark for non-biased field sampling methodology and remains at the forefront of total retrieval and curation of archaeological materials at historic tell sites in the southern Levant.